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3-5 Tagitsuhime and her Imperial Guard

1: Televised Audience (1)#

--One week after Tagitsuhime attacked the Ministry of Defense and absorbed Takirihime; the "Raid on Ichigaya's Ministry of Defense Building" incident.

Chie: I still can't believe Yui-chan and Hana-chan joined the imperial guard...
Kofuki: There's definitely something wrong with how they were acting, though.
Kiyoka: It's because of the noro put in them... It's scary...
Chie: I wonder if there's a way to bring them back to their old selves...
Mirja: ...Even if those affected by noro can be returned to normal, Tagitsuhime would need to be defeated first.
Mirja: However, after absorbing Takirihime, Tagitsuhime's power has only grown. And defeating her already seemed...
Mirja: Yamashiro Yui... Suzumoto Hana... If only we had gone together then...
Mihono: Mirja-san, you don't have to blame yourself. Tagitsuhime's the one making everything wrong.
Mirja: ...Even so...
Academy Intercom: Aradama have been identified in the area of this academy. Toji, make preparations for emergency sortie. I repeat, aradama have been identified--
Mihono: Oh no! We have to get there right away! Mirja-san! Let's put this aside and go!
Mirja: ...Right. I need to put my feelings behind me, and concentrate on suppressing aradama...!

2: Televised Audience (2)#

Mihono: Phew... We made it back safe and sound!
Kofuki: In the middle of a fight, you can forget all your worries. Aradama-chan's really the best!
Kiyoka: I think for most people, fighting aradama is plenty to worry about though...
Mirja: --Everyone, this is important. Please turn the television on immediately.
Mihono: Wh-What happened, Mirja-san!? Weren't you going to go give our mission repor--
Mirja: I'll explain later. Setouchi Chie, the television.
Chie: O-Okay.
Chie: -!? Th-That's...!!
TV (Tagitsu): --My name is Tagitsuhime. I am what you humans would call an aradama.

3: Takatsu Yukina's Demand#

TV (Tagitsu): I am hoping to coexist with humans, and am here to make that a reality.
TV (Tagitsu): However, among humans, there are those who do not desire to coexist. Those who hold great power, under the pretext of suppressing aradama. --The toji.
TV (Tagitsu): They have ignored my requests for dialogue, attempting to destroy me the same as they would an aradama incapable of communication.
TV (Tagitsu): I have done no more than fended off the sparks that have fallen on me. That is the truth of twenty years ago.
Chie: It takes a lot of nerve to broadcast this nonsense...!!
Kiyoka: But, most people don't know what really happened during the great disaster... What if they believe her...?
TV (Yukina): It's true that Tagitsuhime was the cause of the great disaster twenty years ago. However, wanting to avoid any further destruction, she has agreed to be taken into custody by the Sword Administration Bureau.
TV (Yukina): Furthermore, without resorting to violence, Tagitsuhime has calmly sought to open a dialogue. Having witnessed this, there are those among the toji who have begun to revise their way of thinking.
TV (Yukina): Dialogue is what enabled humans to establish civilized society. Could we not also establish a relationship of trust with an aradama seeking dialogue...? I have come to think this way as well.
TV (Yukina): However, Origami Yukari does not agree. She ignored Tagitsuhime's pleas and continued her confinement.
TV (Yukina): And then... Ichikishimahime came into being. Ichikishimahime is another version of Tagitsuhime, born from her misgivings towards humanity.
TV (Yukina): Ichikishima, who had separated from Tagitsuhime, attempted to escape from Kamakura, resulting in a great amount of noro to be spread across the Kanto area.
TV (Yukina): Even so, even amomgst the confusion, we would like to save Tagitsuhime, together with the imperial guard formed from Ayanokouji toji under President Souraku's supervision.
Mirja: --How can she say that-!?
TV (Yukina): Ichikishimahime, who was prevented from escaping, is still under the control of the Administration Bureau.
TV (Yukina): Ichikishimahime seeks revenge against humanity. Nothing more. If her power were ever unleashed, it could bring about an even greater disaster.
TV (Yukina): Even when dealing with such a dangerous entity, Origami Yukari still refuses to relinquish her.
TV (Yukina): Our only protection against such a tragedy is for Ichikishimahime to once more be fused into Tagitsuhime.
TV (Yukina): To that end, we, the Sword Administration Bureau Reformation Faction, will establish a base of operations here in Tokyo!
TV (Yukina): In addition, we have a demand to make. Origami Yukari, as well as the Sword Administration Bureau, deliver Ichikishimahime to us immediately!
TV (Yukina): If you continue to put the people in danger, we will respond to you with force!!
Mihono: ...What's she talking about...!? Renpu's President Takatsu and Ayanokouji's President Souraku went and teamed up with Tagitsuhime...!?
Kofuki: There's really no other way around it. The Five Traditions just got split in two.
Mirja: ...Taking that into consideration, we may come into conflict with the imperial guard-- with Yamashiro Yui and Suzumoto Hana, again at some point...
Kiyoka: B-But... We're all toji, we shouldn't be fighting...

4: Yume's Condition (1)#

Suzuka: You were finally discharged from the hospital, only to immediately be hospitalized again. Yume, you shouldn't force yourself.
Maki: Suzuka, don't be too hard on Yume. If she hadn't raced over there, who knows how much worse things could have been.
Yume: Exactly, Suzuka-onee-san. You could praise me a little-- Urgh! Cough cough, cough!!
Suzuka: Yume-!? Are you alright!?
Yume: Pant... Pant... I-I'm fine... It's not that serious...
Yume: I'm the secret weapon, so I can be ready to fight soon...!!
Suzuka: Yume...
Yume: Anyway, you saw Yomi-onee-san, didn't you? How'd it go?
Maki: ...She's doing fine.
Yume: ...And? Is she really not...
Maki: No, I'm sorry. It doesn't seem like she's being forced to help them.
Suzuka: Yes. We can only assume that... Yomi-san is assisting Tagitsuhime of her own free will.
Yume: Really... So that makes Yomi-onee-san our enemy.
Yume: But hey, if we beat Tagitsuhime, then Yomi-onee-san will come back, and then the four of us can be the elite guard again, right!
Maki: ...Mm, that's right.
Kiyoka: Sigh... Another aradama suppression mission...?
Chie: With the rate at which aradama keep appearing, we hardly have time to rest...
Mihono: But, it's still okay, so long as it's aradama. If we ran into the imperial guard...
Mihono: Ah... S-Sorry, Mirja-san. I shouldn't have said that...
Mirja: There's no need to be concerned for my sake. Of course, that's also a reasonable likelihood.
Mihono: But...
Kofuki: Oh-! There's the aradama-chan! Show me another good time-!

5: Yume's Condition (2)#

Kofuki: That was fun as hell! I love you, aradama-chan!
Kiyoka: Kofuki-san's enjoying herself...
Chie: Here, let's start recovering the noro.
Mihono: --Huh?
Mirja: Asakura Mihono, what is it?
Mihono: ...Mirja-san, are they...
Mirja: --You're...!
Imperial Guard: All of you, good work on your suppression mission. Now then, would you leave that noro to us?

6: Fighting Between Toji (1)#

Mihono: Leave you the noro... But why? Is Tagitsuhime telling you to collect noro for her?
Chie: In which case, we aren't just going to let you take it.
Imperial Guard A: ...? I don't understand what you're getting at. What's the problem?
Imperial Guard B: Because of Tagitsuhime-sama's help, our capabilities as toji have rapidly improved.
Imperial Guard B: With the improvement of former second and third rate toji who were unable to contribute before, aradama extermination can be optimized, and the public's risk of harm is lowered.
Imperial Guard B: Which means, so long as we follow Tagitsuhime-sama's guidance, our world will become an even safer, even better place to live!
Mirja: ...Do you honestly believe what Tagitsuhime tells you?
Kiyoka: Exactly... Isn't it weird to think that Tagitsuhime would want to coexist with humanity...?
Imperial Guard A: What are you saying! Tagitsuhime-sama would never tell a lie!
Kofuki: They're a lost cause. They've been totally brainwashed.
Mihono: I'm sorry, but we won't let you have this noro! We're not going to let Tagitsuhime do whatever she wants!
Imperial Guard A: They can't understand Tagitsuhime-sama's magnificence...
Imperial Guard B: If you insist on opposing the will of Tagitsuhime-sama, then, as her loyal soldiers, we of the imperial guard will enforce it!

7: Fighting Between Toji (2)#

Imperial Guard A: Kh... They're tough...!! Tagitsuhime-sama... I'm so sorry...!!
Imperial Guard B: We don't have a choice. We'll cut our losses and retreat.
Mirja: Stop right there! Before you go, tell me the current state of Yamashiro Yui and Suzumoto Hana!
Imperial Guard A: ...Yamashiro-san and Suzumoto-san lead a platoon of imperial guards, serving Tagitsuhime-sama.
Imperial Guard B: Those two have high compatibility with noro, after all... If only our compatibility were greater, we wouldn't have lost to the likes of you...!!
Kiyoka: They're gone...
Chie: Would it have been better if we restrained them?
Mirja: We shouldn't carelessly provoke the enemy right now. More importantly, it's possible they called for reinforcements. We should collect the noro as quickly as we can and leave this place.
Mihono: ...Things have really ended up where toji are fighting each other...
Kofuki: Cheer up, Mihocchi. They got pumped full of noro, right? That makes them practically half aradama-chan anyway.
Kiyoka: Kofuki-san! Don't put it like that!
Kofuki: What, you wanna play nice with them? It's just the truth. We can't even talk to them.
Mihono: (.........What are we supposed to do. We're all still toji, but... What should...)

8: Where the Noro Goes (1)#

Chie: Phew... We're back at last. We had another difficult day, with one mission after another...
Chie: By the way, Mirja-san? What are Ayanokouji's toji going to do now? Will they really go back to Ayanokouji?
Mirja: Though they may be from Ayanokouji, they won't all do as the President wishes. There are toji who won't go back.
Kiyoka: You're going to stay here in Renpu, aren't you, Mirja-san?
Mirja: I plan on it. There are still things I need to take care of here.
Academy Intercom: Aradama have been identified in the area of this academy. Toji, make preparations for emergency sortie. I repeat, aradama have been identified--
Mihono: Aradama again!? We only just got back!
Kofuki: But that's good news! Let's get over there already!
Kofuki: Okay, now where are the aradama-chan hiding-?
Kiyoka: --Hang on. Something's not right about this.
Chie: There's imperial guards here...!? And...!
Yui: Ah-! You're all here-! What's all this about? Did you come just to see me?
Hana: Of course they didn't. The investigation team is here to defeat the aradama we just took care of.
Mihono: Yui and Hana!?
Hana: You're too slow though. The aradama was successfully suppressed, and we've finished collecting its noro.
Mirja: And when you bring that noro back, what do you plan on doing with it?
Mirja: Your home base should only be a hotel in Tokyo. You have no means of storing it, correct? It's hard to imagine you have the means of enshrining it either...
Yui: That's my Mirja-san! Sup~er smart!
Hana: You already have an idea, don't you?
Mirja: Tagitsuhime is absorbing it all...
Yui: That's my Mirja-san! Sup~er smart, part 2!
Yui: If Tagitsuhime-sama sucks in a whole bunch of noro, she'll get even stronger, and even closer to a perfect body!
Mirja: Is that so... In that case, we cannot allow you to continue like this. Please give us the noro you have collected.
Hana: I'm afraid that's out of the question.
Mirja: If you refuse, then we will take it by force...
Yui: What's that? You're going to fool around with us, Mirja-san?
Yui: Then I'll give you a good~ look at just how strong we've gotten!

9: Where the Noro Goes (2)#

Yui: Pant... Pant... The investigation team's just as strong as I remember.
Yui: But, too bad. There's a special bonus waiting for us if we bring back noro. So there's no way we're letting you have it, Mirja-san.
Kofuki: What the hell-! We beat you fair and square!
Mirja: Shichinosato Kofuki, control yourself. We no longer have the strength to use utsushi. To pursue this any further would be dangerous.
Chie: Our enemy is Tagitsuhime, not the imperial guard. I don't like it either, but we should let them take the noro.
Mihono: --Yui! Hana! Are you two really helping Tagitsuhime now!?
Hana: I told you last time, Mihono. Tagitsuhime-sama is a goddess descended to earth. I would give everything for her.
Kiyoka: And there's no way we could... Get you to change your mind?
Hana: None at all.
Yui: Awww, today was disappointing. But next time for sure, I'll bring you all home with me, okay! So, until then, bye bye-!
Kiyoka: ...They're gone.
Kofuki: They seriously think Tagitsuhime is some kind of goddess. That's the kind of delusion a good whack on the head won't snap them out of.
Mihono: ...Then, we'll beat Tagitsuhime, and snap Yui and Hana out of it.
Kofuki: Ooh. Mihocchi, you're feeling pretty positive.
Mihono: .........Yeah. I'm not gonna back down from fighting the imperial guard anymore!
Mihono: I won't hesitate either! I'm going to stop Tagitsuhime for sure, and save Yui and Hana!
Mihono: Right, Mirja-san?
Mirja: Yes, absolutely. ...Yamashiro Yui, Suzumoto Hana. I swear, we will free you...!!
Kaoru's Consideration

Kaoru: Oi, Kanami. Did you hear? About the investigation team.
Kanami: ...Yeah. You mean about Yui-chan and Hana-chan, right?
Kaoru: Right. Hana was a member of Mokusa who was sent to infiltrate Ayanokouji. She really worked her way in.
Kanami: Infiltrate... Like, as a spy?
Kaoru: Just like that. Which means, even in Mokusa, she got great results, and was highly loyal.
Kaoru: Only an idiot would let a useless person who seems like they'll sell you out be a spy, anyway.
Kanami: And she still ended up in the imperial guard...
Kaoru: I don't know exactly why, but someone like that still ended up in the imperial guard. Which is why, Kanami.
Kaoru: Stop beating yourself up over what happened with Uchizato Ayumu. You didn't do anything wrong.
Nene: Ne-, ne-!
Kanami: ......Okay. Thanks, Kaoru-chan, Nene-chan.